Thursday 28 May 2020

Stanley at Sea

Stanley at Sea by Linda Bailey 
Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

MISO: Norman, didn't I tell you going for a boat ride would be fun?
NORMAN: When you said boat ride, I was picturing something more along the lines of a Disney Cruise.
MISO: This is fun too, right?
NORMAN: Easy for you to say, you're not the one with a bird on your head!

Hello boys and girls! Don't Norman and his friends Miso, Mingsi and Rip look cute in their rowboat? I think they got the idea to go on a boat after seeing Stanley and all of his friends do it in the funny story Stanley at Sea. I don't think it's quite what Norman had in mind though - he prefers luxury accommodations, and likes chasing birds, not having them sit on his head!

You will see in the story that Stanley and his friends float on their boat right under the Lion's Gate Bridge, which is a famous bridge in Vancouver. Some of you will have seen it, or even driven across it with your families before. I am going to include a photo of it below so you can see what it looks like in real life, and then you can compare it to the illustration in the story.

Lion's Gate Bridge, Vancouver, BC

I hope you enjoy this story called "Stanley at Sea." And don't worry about Norman, Miso, Mingsi and Rip. I'll make sure they don't get lost at sea, and get to eat lots of sausage and steak for dinner.

If you feel like working on a little dog word study after you've listened to the story, I've attached one for you to print at home. There are two pages, one page has the clues, and the other page has the boxes to write the answers in. Some of the clues might be a challenge, but I know you'll do a great job!

Stanley at Sea Video:

Dog Word Study:

I hope you have a great weekend and get to spend some time reading, because READING IS FUN!
xo, Miss Elden 

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