Tuesday 12 May 2020


Mother Bruce by Ryan T. Higgins
Photo Credit: Roy Priest

Norman: Miss Elden, these goslings think I'm their mama!
Miss Elden: That's so cute Norman! Why don't you take them for a swim in the pond and they can follow behind you in a little row.
Norman: I don't like swimming. You do it, and I'll take your photo.

Aren't the goslings in the photo sooo cute? They thought Norman was their mother, even though he's not a goose. The same thing happens to a grumpy bear named Bruce in the story Mother Bruce. Let's read the story and you can see how Bruce deals with the pesky little goslings.  After, if you'd like to colour a sheet with Bruce on it, you can! 

Mother Bruce Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pnoxZN-OOPx7_QqwwWyNxsiTltn-YIni/view?usp=sharing

I guess Bruce decided he wasn't getting rid of those pesky goslings and became their mama after all!

I still miss you all, but know you're reading lots of books at home that you can tell me all about when we get back to school!
xo, Miss Elden 

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