Monday 11 May 2020

In an Octopus's Garden, in the Shade

Inky The Octopus by Erin Guendelsberger (Kindergarten Read Aloud)
Miss Elden: Normie, let's read a story about an eight legged Octopus named Inky!
Norman: I thought spiders had eight legs.
Miss Elden: They do, but so do octopuses.
Norman: So you're telling me an octopus is a spider of the sea?

Happy Monday boys and girls! Norman and I wanted to share a very interesting true story about an octopus named Inky with you today. Did you know an octopus has 3 hearts and 9 brains? It has 1 central brain, and each arm has "a mind of its own." Octopuses are very good escaping through very small openings. They can squeeze their bodies through a space as small as a toonie, just like the one Norman is looking at in the photo.  There is a very famous song about an octopus called Octopus's Garden by Ringo Starr. Check out the video of the song showing some cool underwater footage of octopuses in the ocean:

Aren't they beautiful creatures? Let's read the true story of Inky the Octopus, and after, if you'd like to print and colour a picture of Inky at home, you can!

Inky the Octopus Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

In honour of Inky's 8 legs, why don't you try to read 8 stories this week. Think you're up to the challenge? I certainly do!
xo, Miss Elden 

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