Wednesday 20 May 2020

Old MacDonald has a DRAGON?!?!?!

Old MacDonald Had a Dragon by Ken Baker
Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

MISO: Hop on Norm, I'm driving us to the farm to help Old MacDonald feed the animals today.
NORMAN: Miso, you don't even have a driver's licence.
MISO: That's ok, I'll use cruise control. 
NORMAN: I'm calling an Uber. 
FARMER PETE: These two need some serious help.

Hi boys and girls! As you can see, Norman, his pals Miso and Farmer Pete are heading back to Old MacDonald's farm to help out with the animals today. They are going to be in for a shock when they find out that Old MacDonald has a DRAGON on his farm in the story, Old MacDonald Had a Dragon.
It is a very funny story and I think you will like it. 

I found a really cool website where you can listen to the different sounds that all of the farm animals make. All you have to do is click on the picture of the animal, and it will make a sound. Norman and I had lots of fun making the cows moo. If you'd like to check it out, click the link below:

After we have read the story of Old MacDonald Had a Dragon, you can colour a farm animals driving a tractor sheet, a dragon sheet, or maybe even both!

Old MacDonald Had a Dragon:

Colouring Sheets:

1) Tractor Colouring Sheet:

Click here for printable version of tractor colouring sheet:

2) Dragon Colouring Sheet: 
Click here for printable version of dragon colouring sheet:

I hope you enjoyed the story. It kind of reminded me of the Old Lady stories, because she is always eating silly things and then burping them out, just like the dragon in this story did. Stay tuned to see what Norman and Miso get up to on the farm next week!
xo, Miss Elden 

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