Friday 22 May 2020

Stanley's Little Sister

Stanley's Little Sister by Linda Bailey 
Photo Credit: Roy Priest

NORMAN: So which one of you is my little sister?
GEORGE: Neither of us. 
NORMAN: Ok then, which one of you would like me to chase you up the curtains?
PURRCY: Neither of us. How did get into our house anyway?

Hi AJ boys and girls!  Do you remember Norman's cat friends George and Purrcy from a while ago? The double trouble Siamese twins? Well, they are back to help us read the book Stanley's Little Sister. It is a story about our favourite dog Stanley, and what happens when his family brings home a new cat named Fluffy. Stanley just can't stop chasing that cat and it causes all kinds of problems! 

After you have listened to the story, if you would like to work on a dog pattern colouring page I have included one below. There are lots of designs and patterns on the sheet so I am sure you will be able to make some beautiful and colourful dogs on this one!

Stanley's Little Sister Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

I hope you find some great books to read this weekend! 
xo, Miss Elden 

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