Friday 8 May 2020


Stanley's Party by Linda Bailey (Grade 2&3 Read Aloud) 

Today is the big day boys and girls - Norman is having his doggie party!  He has everything all set up, and just got all of his doggie friends together on Zoom so they can party together online.  Look at all of his friends who have Zoom accounts!
I just overheard what they were talking about and it made me laugh. These dogs sure know how to party!  Click the link below to see what they are talking about, and keep an eye open for some our our AJ staff members' dogs in the video too...
Aren't Norman and his friends funny? Did you recognize Mrs. Vincent, Ms. McLeod, Mrs. Koop, Mrs. Zayonc, Mrs. Sund, Mrs. Loveseth and Mrs. Morrison's dogs in the video?

Now let's read Stanely's Party together and see what Stanley and his friends get up to when they have a big party at Stanley's house!  After you've watched the Stanley's Party video, if you'd like to colour a cute dog sheet, I will post one for you to print and work on at home.

Stanley's Party Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

Maybe you and your pets or stuffed animals can have a party this weekend just like Norman did! You can find some funny books to read together, then put on some music and dance 😆
xo, Miss Elden