Monday 22 June 2020

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a WHAT?!?!

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Moose by Chrissy Bozik 

Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

MISO: Well, here we are sitting around the campfire like true Canadians...what do we do now?
MINGSI: I think we ask the Moose and the Beaver to toast us some marshmallows. 
GEISHA: Somebody needs to tell that Moose he needs a bath - P.U.! 
NORMAN: The toasted marshmallows are yummy, but Miss Elden says she and I aren't really "the camping sort." I think she's right - I don't see a comfy bed or a bathroom anywhere, I'm going home!! 

Hi boys and girls!  Welcome to the last week of our library blog for this year - it's Going Across Canada Week! We are going to celebrate our great country by reading some fabulous Canadian stories this week - all in preparation for our next big holiday on July 1st, Canada Day. We Celebrate Canada Day on July 1st each year because on July 1st in 1867, Canada became its own country. Norman and I have already decided to wear red and white, eat poutine, and listen to Justin Bieber at our Canada Day party this year - what are you going to do?

To kick off Canada Week, we are going to read a really funny Old Lady story called There Was and Old Lady who Swallowed a Moose. There are lots of silly Old Lady stories in our library that I know many of you have read - she swallows things like books, snow, leaves, bells and more. In this story, the old lady swallows a MOOSE. Can you imagine swallowing a moose that could weigh 1200 pounds?? Wait until you see what happens at the end of the story - it is something that lots of Canadians like to do in the summer.  

After you have listened to the story, you can colour a map of Canada and see where all of the provinces and territories are, and work on a Canada word search!

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Moose:

Activity Sheets:

1) Map of Canada:

2) Word Search:

Make sure to read for at least 15 minutes today, because READING IS FUN!
xo, Miss Elden 

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