Friday 12 June 2020

Felipe and Claudette

Felipe and Claudette by Mark Teague 

Hi boys and girls! Today Norman has chosen a story for us to read about a cat named Felipe, and a dog named Claudette, who live at an animal shelter. Felipe and Claudette are waiting patiently for people to adopt them and take them home to become their pets. Claudette is a very silly and happy dog, and Felipe is a bit of a snobby cat, but they end up becoming the best of friends. Sometimes shelter animals have to wait for the exact right person to come along and adopt them - and when that happens, the people and the animals live happily ever after! 

After you have listened to the story, you can work on a cat and dog word search if you'd like 🐈🐕

Felipe and Claudette Video:

Word Search:

Didn't you love the happy ending in that story? I'm so glad Felipe and Claudette get to live together forever 💜
Make sure to spend some time reading this weekend, because READING IS FUN!
xo, Miss Elden 

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