Tuesday 16 June 2020


Pigs by Robert Munsch 

Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

NORMAN: Hey Miso, I've got a funny joke for you. Why should you never share a bed with a pig?
MISO: Why?
NORMAN: Because they HOG all the covers HA HA HA!
MISO: Oh Normie, your jokes are so funny!
OINK! That is pig talk for "hi boys and girls." Today we are going back to the farm with Miso and Norman to read a story about pigs. Lots of people think that pigs are dirty animals, but they are actually very clean. They roll in the mud because it helps them keep cool, not because they like to get dirty. Norman sometimes likes to roll in the mud too - but he's just doing it because he thinks it's fun. Too bad for him the fun ends when Miss Elden has to give him a bath!

Our story today is written by the famous Canadian author, Robert Munsch. He writes very funny and silly stories that kids of all ages can enjoy. In the story "Pigs" a little girl named Megan opens up the gate to the pig pen and the pigs get into all kinds of mischief. Wait until you see what happens on the school bus at the end of the story, it is so funny! 

After you have listened to the story, you can work on a pig colour-by-number sheet. For this colour by number sheet, you will need to do some addition to figure out which number corresponds with which colour!

Pigs Video:

Colour-by-number sheet:
Click here for printable version of colour-by-number sheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e8Tcti1-ISGG8sHAPV1RlhaedItMyXgm/view?usp=sharing

If you feel like reading some more Robert Munsch stories, you can find them in our online catalogue and read them on your personal devices at home. Just click the link on the top right hand corner of the blog "How to access digital ebooks from our library" for step-by-step instructions on how to access them! 
xo, Miss Elden  

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