Friday 5 June 2020

Are You a Horse?

Are You a Horse? By Andy Rash 

Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

MINGSI: Norman, are you a horse?
NORMAN: No silly, I'm a dog just like you.
MINGSI: But you're really big and run fast like a horse.
NORMAN: That's true, but horses eat hay, and I like to eat pizza and cookies.

Hi boys and girls!  I hope you all had a good weekend, and now are ready for another fun week of stories with Norman and his doggie friends on the library blog. Today, we are going to read a really funny story called "Are You a Horse?" about a cowboy trying to find a horse to put a saddle on so he can go for a ride. But the cowboy has a big problem - he doesn't know what a horse looks like! I think you are going to laugh at this very silly story about a very silly cowboy.

After you have listened to the story, you can colour a picture of a mama horse and her foal on the farm. 

Are You a Horse? Video:

Colouring Sheet:

Make sure to check back tomorrow, when Norman and his friends get to meet some real baby horses!
xo, Miss Elden 

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