Tuesday 9 June 2020

It's time for some horsing around!

Horseplay! by Karma Wilson 

Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

MINGSI: What's the deal with these horses? It's the middle of the day and they're asleep!
NORMAN: They were up all night horsing around and playing games. They're too tired to help the farmer with the chores now.
MINGSI: I'm kind of getting tired too, maybe we should go have a nap.
NORMAN: Ok, but I'm not sleeping on the ground with the horses. I take my naps on Miss Elden's bed.

Hello boys and girls! Norman and his pal Mingsi are back on the farm today with some baby horses. Baby horses are called foals - these ones are named Baby Ben and Baby Jerry, and boy do they LOVE to play. After playing so hard they tire themselves out and then need to take a long nap. The horses in the story Horseplay! also like to play. The trouble is, they like to play all night  and then they sleep all day! Finally, the farmer has to stay awake all night to make sure the horses go to sleep - can you figure out what happens the next day?  I don't really have to worry about Norman staying awake all night - he likes to sleep all night AND all day!

How cute is this video of one of the foals learning how to run and play at the farm? Norman and I think he has some pretty neat dance moves!

After we have read the story together, you can work on this fun horse maze activity sheet. You need to get the pony through the maze to its treats - once you have done that, you can colour all of the pictures! 

Horseplay! Video: 

Maze Activity Sheet:

I wonder what the next farm animal Norman will want us to read about will be?  Maybe an animal that likes to roll around in the mud as much as he does...stay tuned to find out!
xo. Miss Elden 

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