Monday 15 June 2020


Duck on a Bike by David Shannon

Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

NORMAN: Can you believe this duck can ride a bike? Now I've seen everything! Do you think we should learn how to ride bikes too?
MINGSI: I don't think I want to ride a bike - I'd rather be pushed in my stroller.
GEISHA: Riding a bike looks easy, I'm going to try riding a unicycle!
MISO: I think I'll stay at home in my cozy bed and read stories instead.

Hi boys and girls! Today we are going to read a story by the very funny author David Shannon. He is very talented because he is the author AND the illustrator of all of his stories. You might remember we talked about David Shannon when we were reading those funny How I Became a Pirate stories, because he did the illustrations in those books as well. 

Today's story is called Duck on a Bike, and is about a very talented duck who rides his bicycle around the farm. All the other farm animals get a little bit jealous of duck, but wait until you see what they all do at the end of the story, it will make you giggle!

After you have listened to the story, you can work on a colouring sheet of two famous ducks riding a bike - Daisy and Donald Duck!

Duck on a Bike Video:

Colouring Sheet:

I hope you enjoyed the story today, maybe you might be able to go for a bike ride yourself this week, just like Duck!
xo, Miss Elden 

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