Thursday 28 May 2020

Stanley at Sea

Stanley at Sea by Linda Bailey 
Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

MISO: Norman, didn't I tell you going for a boat ride would be fun?
NORMAN: When you said boat ride, I was picturing something more along the lines of a Disney Cruise.
MISO: This is fun too, right?
NORMAN: Easy for you to say, you're not the one with a bird on your head!

Hello boys and girls! Don't Norman and his friends Miso, Mingsi and Rip look cute in their rowboat? I think they got the idea to go on a boat after seeing Stanley and all of his friends do it in the funny story Stanley at Sea. I don't think it's quite what Norman had in mind though - he prefers luxury accommodations, and likes chasing birds, not having them sit on his head!

You will see in the story that Stanley and his friends float on their boat right under the Lion's Gate Bridge, which is a famous bridge in Vancouver. Some of you will have seen it, or even driven across it with your families before. I am going to include a photo of it below so you can see what it looks like in real life, and then you can compare it to the illustration in the story.

Lion's Gate Bridge, Vancouver, BC

I hope you enjoy this story called "Stanley at Sea." And don't worry about Norman, Miso, Mingsi and Rip. I'll make sure they don't get lost at sea, and get to eat lots of sausage and steak for dinner.

If you feel like working on a little dog word study after you've listened to the story, I've attached one for you to print at home. There are two pages, one page has the clues, and the other page has the boxes to write the answers in. Some of the clues might be a challenge, but I know you'll do a great job!

Stanley at Sea Video:

Dog Word Study:

I hope you have a great weekend and get to spend some time reading, because READING IS FUN!
xo, Miss Elden 

Old MacDonald Had a Farm...

Old MacDonald Had a Truck by Steve Goetz 
Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

Wednesday 27 May 2020

How Norman and Miso Became Pirates

How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long

Photo Credit: Roy Priest

NORMAN: Ahoy Miso you scurvy dog, have you finished swabbing the decks?
MISO: Aye, aye Captain Norman! Now can I take a nap?
NORMAN: Not until we've sung some sea chanteys and you've polished my cutlass!
MISO: Being a pirate is hard work!

Ahoy AJ boys and girls! As you can see, Norman and his friend Miso are learning all about pirates on board the pirate ship. Did you know that the black pirate flag with the skull and cross bones on it is called the Jolly Roger? Did you know that a cutlass is a sword with a curved blade? Keep following Norman and Miso over the next few weeks and you will learn a LOT about pirates (like how they never brushed their teeth...EW!) Today we are going to read my favourite pirate story called How I Became a Pirate. You're going to think it is very funny!

After you have listened to the story, you can print out and colour a pirate ship sheet. Maybe you can even find a spot to draw Captain Norman on the ship too!

How I Became a Pirate Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

I hope you find some time to read a good book or two today!
xo, Miss Elden

Tuesday 26 May 2020

The Cow (and Norman) Love Cookies

The Cow Loves Cookies by Karma Wilson
Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

NORMAN: Hey cow, when should you take a chocolate chip cookie to the doctor?
COW: Moo? (When?)
NORMAN: When it's feeling crummy! HA HA HA!
COW: Moo, moo. (Oh, brother) 

Hi boys and girls! Norman is back on the farm and today we are reading a very funny story about a cow who loves cookies. You can see Norman is very interested in the cookies too. Usually he has to do a trick to get a cookie, but he might be able to sneak one out of the cow's basket when she's not looking. Wait until you see the deal that the cow and the farmer make so the cow can have some cookies!

After you have listened to the story, you can work on a colour-by-number colouring sheet. Try to guess what kind of animal is on the sheet even before you start colouring!

The Cow Loves Cookies Video:

Colour-by-number sheet:
Click here for printable version of colour-by-number sheet:

If you'd like to listen to another funny cow story, The Cow That Laid an Egg is a great one about a silly cow named Marjorie who thinks she can lay eggs. I think you'll like it!

The Cow That Laid an Egg Video:

Keep up all of your great reading at home!
xo, Miss Elden 

Friday 22 May 2020

Stanley's Little Sister

Stanley's Little Sister by Linda Bailey 
Photo Credit: Roy Priest

NORMAN: So which one of you is my little sister?
GEORGE: Neither of us. 
NORMAN: Ok then, which one of you would like me to chase you up the curtains?
PURRCY: Neither of us. How did get into our house anyway?

Hi AJ boys and girls!  Do you remember Norman's cat friends George and Purrcy from a while ago? The double trouble Siamese twins? Well, they are back to help us read the book Stanley's Little Sister. It is a story about our favourite dog Stanley, and what happens when his family brings home a new cat named Fluffy. Stanley just can't stop chasing that cat and it causes all kinds of problems! 

After you have listened to the story, if you would like to work on a dog pattern colouring page I have included one below. There are lots of designs and patterns on the sheet so I am sure you will be able to make some beautiful and colourful dogs on this one!

Stanley's Little Sister Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

I hope you find some great books to read this weekend! 
xo, Miss Elden 

Thursday 21 May 2020

Jump Around, Jump Around, Jump Up, Jump Up and Get Down!

Little White Dogs Can't Jump by Bruce Whatley (Grade 1 Read Aloud)

NORMAN: How come the dog in this story isn't good at jumping? Jumping is easy.
MISS ELDEN: Well, Smudge has short legs and a heavy body, so it makes jumping difficult for him.
NORMAN: So he can't jump over the back of the couch like I can?
MISS ELDEN: Definitely not.
NORMAN: I'll let him borrow my basketball. Maybe if he thinks he's a basketball player he will be able to jump higher!

Hi AJ boys and girls! Today we are going to read a story called Little White Dogs Can't Jump, about a cute little Bulldog named Smudge, who has a big problem...he has short little legs and a big heavy body so he can't jump into the family car. Wait until you see what his people do to try to solve the problem - you will be giggling at all of Smudge's funny antics. 

After you have listened to the story of Little White Dogs Can't Jump, you might feel like working on an English Bulldog colouring sheet. Use your imagination and make a really colourful dog using rainbow stripes or polka dots. Maybe you want to draw and colour your bulldog wearing a basketball jersey like Smudge wears in the story. Norman is going to colour his dog wearing a Canucks jersey because he misses watching hockey on TV.

Little White Dogs Can't Jump Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

Wasn't that a funny story? Find another funny book or two to read today, because you know what Miss Elden always says. READING IS FUN!
xo, Miss Elden

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Old MacDonald has a DRAGON?!?!?!

Old MacDonald Had a Dragon by Ken Baker
Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

MISO: Hop on Norm, I'm driving us to the farm to help Old MacDonald feed the animals today.
NORMAN: Miso, you don't even have a driver's licence.
MISO: That's ok, I'll use cruise control. 
NORMAN: I'm calling an Uber. 
FARMER PETE: These two need some serious help.

Hi boys and girls! As you can see, Norman, his pals Miso and Farmer Pete are heading back to Old MacDonald's farm to help out with the animals today. They are going to be in for a shock when they find out that Old MacDonald has a DRAGON on his farm in the story, Old MacDonald Had a Dragon.
It is a very funny story and I think you will like it. 

I found a really cool website where you can listen to the different sounds that all of the farm animals make. All you have to do is click on the picture of the animal, and it will make a sound. Norman and I had lots of fun making the cows moo. If you'd like to check it out, click the link below:

After we have read the story of Old MacDonald Had a Dragon, you can colour a farm animals driving a tractor sheet, a dragon sheet, or maybe even both!

Old MacDonald Had a Dragon:

Colouring Sheets:

1) Tractor Colouring Sheet:

Click here for printable version of tractor colouring sheet:

2) Dragon Colouring Sheet: 
Click here for printable version of dragon colouring sheet:

I hope you enjoyed the story. It kind of reminded me of the Old Lady stories, because she is always eating silly things and then burping them out, just like the dragon in this story did. Stay tuned to see what Norman and Miso get up to on the farm next week!
xo, Miss Elden 

Tuesday 19 May 2020


Pete the Cat: Old MacDonald Had a Farm by James Dean (Kindergarten Read Aloud)

Photo Credit: Roy Priest

MISO: Are we at the circus? There are a lot of animals here. 
NORMAN: I don't see any elephants like Dumbo flying around, so I don't think we're at the circus. Maybe we are at the farm.
MISO: Who's in charge of all of these animals anyway? None of them are wearing leashes.
NORMAN: I dunno, maybe the blue cat wearing the red bandana? He looks official.
PETE THE CAT: These two have a LOT to learn about farms.

Hi boys and girls! As you can see Norman and his friend Miso are taking a trip to the farm with Pete the Cat. They don't know very much about farms, so they are going to learn about them over the next few weeks while we read some farm animal stories together. Today we are going to read Pete the Cat: Old MacDonald Had a Farm. I hope you will sing along with me at home!
After we have read the story, you might feel like colouring the cute farm animal sheet that I've attached below. See if you can name all of the animals on it while you are colouring.

Pete the Cat: Old MacDonald Had a Farm:

Colouring Sheet:

Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

See if you can find a story with a farm animal in it to read at home today. If you don't have any stories with farm animals in them, find a story with any kind of animal that you can, and read that instead!
xo, Miss Elden 

Friday 15 May 2020

Who wants to go on a wild ride??

Stanley's Party by Linda Bailey (Grade 2/3 Read Aloud) 

Norman: Last one to the bottom of the hill is a rotten egg!
Geisha: You're on! I'm a speedy skater girl! 
Mingsi: Which way to the roller derby?
Rip: Can someone give me a push? My paws don't reach the pedals.
Miso: Are we having a race? I thought we were going shopping at Homesense.

Happy Friday boys and girls! Norman and his friends decided they were going to go for a wild ride, just like Stanley and the other dogs in the story Stanley's Wild Ride.  Wait until you see what Stanley and his friends get up to when the escape from their yards - get ready for a wild ride!

After we have read the story, if you'd like to print and work on a dog word search at home, you can!

Stanley's Wild Ride: 

Word Search:
Click here for printable version of word search:

I hope you have a fun long weekend and get to spend some time playing outside, and reading some really good books!
xo, Miss Elden  

Thursday 14 May 2020

Where is that tricky little Hedgie hiding?

Mossy by Jan Brett

Hi AJ boys and girls! Today we are going to read a story called Mossy, by one of our favourite authors Jan Brett. You will remember some of her stories like Hedgie's Surprise and The Gingerbread Baby that we read earlier this year. Of course you all know who we have to look for in all of the Jan Brett stories don't you? That's right, we have to keep our eyes open for that sneaky little Hedgie! 
Today I hid Hedgie on my bookshelf and made Norman look for him. It took him a minute, but he found him. Can you see Hedgie on the bookshelf? 

Jan Brett hides Hedgie in a very sneaky place in the story Mossy. In fact, Norman and I had to read the story twice to find him! Let's see if you can find where he's hidden - don't worry if you can't find him, I'll show you a picture of where he's hiding in the story after we have read it together because it's a tricky one!

Mossy Video: 

Wasn't that a lovely story? Were you able to find Hedgie?
If you found him, good for you! This was one of the trickiest places to find Hedgie in all the Jan Brett stories. If you weren't able to find him, let me show you where he was:
He was hidden at the top of a page disguised as an insect!

Because we love Jan Brett so much, I thought you might like to look at her website. It has TONS of amazing stories, activities, and videos for you to look at. I am including 3 things from her website that I thought you might enjoy, but make sure to take a look yourself because there are hours and hours of fun to be had on her website!

Official Jan Brett Website:

1) Mossy colouring sheet: 
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet (From

2) Watch Jan Brett Read "Hedgie Blasts Off!: (From

3) Learn How to Draw a Hedgie with Jan Brett: (From

I hope you enjoy all of these fun Jan Brett activities. She has lots more read aloud stories and videos on her website, so make sure to take a look at it and have some fun!
xo, Miss Elden

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Which Way's the Beach?

Rattletrap Car by Phyllis Root (Grade 1 Read Aloud)

Norman: I don't really like swimming but surfing is awesome!
Stella: We aren't really surfing silly, we're just standing on a paddle board.
Norman: Well whatever we're doing, we're better than Miss Elden. She fell off after 5 seconds.
Stella: Ya, she should stick to reading stories and leave the extreme sports to us.

Hi boys and girls! Today we are going to read a story called Rattletrap Car, about a family who really want to go to the beach so they can go swimming at the lake. Their car is a bit old, so they have to find some creative ways to get it to work when it keeps breaking down.  Last summer, Norman and Stella spent a few weeks at the lake in Osoyoos. One day, they decided to take up paddleboarding, and spent the afternoon floating in the lake on the board.  They tried to teach me how to do it, but I kept falling in the water. I'm going to ask them to give me another lesson the next time we go.

Let's read Rattletrap car together, and then if you'd like, you can print and colour a picture of Hedgie and his underwater friends at the beach!

Rattletrap Car Video:

Colouring Sheet: 
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

I miss you and hope you are doing lots of reading at home!
xo, Miss Elden 

Tuesday 12 May 2020


Mother Bruce by Ryan T. Higgins
Photo Credit: Roy Priest

Norman: Miss Elden, these goslings think I'm their mama!
Miss Elden: That's so cute Norman! Why don't you take them for a swim in the pond and they can follow behind you in a little row.
Norman: I don't like swimming. You do it, and I'll take your photo.

Aren't the goslings in the photo sooo cute? They thought Norman was their mother, even though he's not a goose. The same thing happens to a grumpy bear named Bruce in the story Mother Bruce. Let's read the story and you can see how Bruce deals with the pesky little goslings.  After, if you'd like to colour a sheet with Bruce on it, you can! 

Mother Bruce Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

I guess Bruce decided he wasn't getting rid of those pesky goslings and became their mama after all!

I still miss you all, but know you're reading lots of books at home that you can tell me all about when we get back to school!
xo, Miss Elden 

Monday 11 May 2020

In an Octopus's Garden, in the Shade

Inky The Octopus by Erin Guendelsberger (Kindergarten Read Aloud)
Miss Elden: Normie, let's read a story about an eight legged Octopus named Inky!
Norman: I thought spiders had eight legs.
Miss Elden: They do, but so do octopuses.
Norman: So you're telling me an octopus is a spider of the sea?

Happy Monday boys and girls! Norman and I wanted to share a very interesting true story about an octopus named Inky with you today. Did you know an octopus has 3 hearts and 9 brains? It has 1 central brain, and each arm has "a mind of its own." Octopuses are very good escaping through very small openings. They can squeeze their bodies through a space as small as a toonie, just like the one Norman is looking at in the photo.  There is a very famous song about an octopus called Octopus's Garden by Ringo Starr. Check out the video of the song showing some cool underwater footage of octopuses in the ocean:

Aren't they beautiful creatures? Let's read the true story of Inky the Octopus, and after, if you'd like to print and colour a picture of Inky at home, you can!

Inky the Octopus Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

In honour of Inky's 8 legs, why don't you try to read 8 stories this week. Think you're up to the challenge? I certainly do!
xo, Miss Elden 

Friday 8 May 2020


Stanley's Party by Linda Bailey (Grade 2&3 Read Aloud) 

Today is the big day boys and girls - Norman is having his doggie party!  He has everything all set up, and just got all of his doggie friends together on Zoom so they can party together online.  Look at all of his friends who have Zoom accounts!
I just overheard what they were talking about and it made me laugh. These dogs sure know how to party!  Click the link below to see what they are talking about, and keep an eye open for some our our AJ staff members' dogs in the video too...
Aren't Norman and his friends funny? Did you recognize Mrs. Vincent, Ms. McLeod, Mrs. Koop, Mrs. Zayonc, Mrs. Sund, Mrs. Loveseth and Mrs. Morrison's dogs in the video?

Now let's read Stanely's Party together and see what Stanley and his friends get up to when they have a big party at Stanley's house!  After you've watched the Stanley's Party video, if you'd like to colour a cute dog sheet, I will post one for you to print and work on at home.

Stanley's Party Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

Maybe you and your pets or stuffed animals can have a party this weekend just like Norman did! You can find some funny books to read together, then put on some music and dance πŸ˜†
xo, Miss Elden

Thursday 7 May 2020

New Blogger, Who Dis?

Hi boys and girls. It's Norman the Library Dog here. I have taken over the blog while Miss Elden is busy cleaning my muddy paw prints off the floor - hee hee hee!  When you go back to school and go to the library, you will find a new series of books written by ME!!
I know you like Diary of a Wimpy Kid, but you are REALLY going to love my new book, DIARY OF A FUNNY DOG. People always say "write about what you know" and I know how to be a hilarious dog. I think the book is going to sell about a million copies, so I'll be able to buy my own island, sit on the beach, sip punch and eat turkey treats all day. But I'm sharing the first copy with you, my adoring fans. Gotta go, Miss Elden is wondering why I'm sitting at her laptop typing. Plus, I've got to start getting ready for the big party I'm having tomorrow, and I still need to bake the cupcakes!
Love, Norman (the soon to be published author dog)


Hi there AJ boys and girls, it's Miss Elden again. Have you seen Norman? I thought I saw him sitting at my computer typing but I must have been wrong, because I can't find him now!  I know how much you love the Wimpy Kid books so I thought you might like to check out the Wimpy Kid website. It has a TON of really fun activities to download and print to keep you entertained at home. I have included a few of my favourites right here on the blog, but make sure to check out the website because there are lots more to look at!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Official Website:

Check out these Norman approved Wimpy Kid activities!

1) Wimpy Kid Word Search (from

2) Create Your Own Wimpy Kid Book Cover (from

3) How to Draw Greg Heffley (from
Click here for printable version of how to draw Greg Heffley:

Norman just told me to ask you what he should name his you know what he's talking about?
Find a funny book or two to read and make you giggle today!
xo, Miss Elden 

Wednesday 6 May 2020

I want my mummy!

Owl Babies by Martin Waddell (Grade 1 Read Aloud)
Photo Credit: Roy Priest

PERCY: Our mummy built this cozy nest for us to live in.
BILL: Our mummy spends the evening hunting for food to feed us.

NORMAN: My mummy spends all day taking photographs of me to put on my library blog.

Photo Credit: Brendan Gray 

SARAH: Norman, your mummy sounds like a nutter, want to come live with us?

Hi boys and girls! Today we are going to read a story called Owl Babies, about a mama owl and her three owlets, Sarah, Percy and Bill. As you can see from the photos, Norman is friends with the owlets and they offered for him to come live in their nest with them. He said thanks for the offer, but even though his mummy is always taking his photos, he loves her, so is going to stay put.

Owls are very beautiful birds of prey.  They are nocturnal, which means they sleep during they day, and are awake during the night.  There are around 200 different types of owls, and a group of owls is called a parliament. Now that you know a few facts about owls, let's read the story Owl Babies together. 

Owl Babies Video:

Isn't Bill a silly little owlet?? Norman laughed so hard every time he said "I want my mommy" I thought he was going to fall off the couch.

Since the story was about a mama owl and her babies, and since Mother's Day is coming up this weekend, I thought you could work on a beautiful Mother's Day colour-by-number sheet at home.  Maybe you can even give it to your mummy this weekend for Mother's Day (shhh don't tell her, let's keep it a secret and surprise her!)

Colour-By-Number Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colour-by-number sheet:

I miss you all very much. Keep on reading every day at home, because READING IS FUN!
xo, Miss Elden

Tuesday 5 May 2020


Miss Elden: Norman, have you seen my hat?
Norman: No. I have not seen any hats around here. (hee hee hee)

Hi boys and girls! Norman and I read the very funny book I Want My Hat Back by Canadian author Jon Klassen, and he got the idea to steal all of my hats. He is such a trickster isn't he?
I found a really cool puppet show based on the book I Want My Hat Back that I thought you'd enjoy watching.  You might recognize the cover of the book from the library:

When we get back to school, I can show you where this book, plus all the other funny Jon Klassen books are in our library. Click on the video link below to see the puppet show - I bet you'll be laughing out loud in no time!

I Want My Hat Back Video:

I hope you enjoyed the puppet show. Norman and I have decided to make some puppets and put on a puppet show this afternoon based on one of this other favourite books, Pete The Cat. Maybe you could choose one of your favourite books, and create some puppets for a puppet show too!
xo, Miss Elden

Monday 4 May 2020

Can we take a flashlight to the big-big dark?

The Pout-Pout Fish in the Big-Big Dark by Deborah Diesen (Kindergarten Read Aloud)
Hi boys and girls, I hope you had a great weekend! Today I told Norman we were going to read another story about that funny little Pout-Pout Fish. He was very excited until he saw it was a story about the deep dark bottom of the ocean.  He said we could read it but we had to keep all of the lights on, and he wanted one of his stuffies close by in case he got scared.  Once we read the story, he realized the dark is nothing to be afraid of at all! 

Let's read the Pout-Pout Fish in the Big-Big Dark together, and then if you'd like to work on a creatures under the sea colouring sheet, you can. See if you can match up any of the sea creatures from the story with the sea creatures on the colouring page, I bet you'll be able to find quite a few that are the same.

The Pout-Pout Fish in the Big-Big Dark:

Colouring Sheet:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

I miss seeing you every week in the library, but hope you are enjoying the stories we are sharing together on the blog. Make sure to read a story before you go to bed tonight - grab one of your stuffies just like Norman did, cuddle up, and read a story together.
xo, Miss Elden