Thursday 2 April 2020

Welcome AJ McLellan students to Miss Elden's first ever blog post! This space will be dedicated to the exciting world of B-O-O-K-S and R-E-A-D-I-N-G!!!

I've missed seeing all of you so much in the library, but I'm hoping to keep you and your families updated with links to websites and apps to keep you entertained and reading for FUN while we are at home and can't spend time together in person. There are still many ways for us to enjoy and share books together, so keep checking back, as I will be updating the blog a few times a week with new and exciting tidbits. If you'd like to subscribe to the blog and get email notifications when I add new posts, enter your email address to the "Follow By Email" box at the top right-hand side of the page!

For my first post, I thought it was important to include a photo of my dog/our library mascot Norman, whom you may recognize from photos in the library.  He wanted to show you the stack of books he's been reading while we have been home together - can you spot Miss Elden's favourite book in his pile?

I hope you're all staying safe and healthy at home...and of course that you're reading every day ;)
xo, Miss Elden


  1. Hi Miss Elden, it's Rory Hill here. I think your favourite book is Pig the Tourist. I miss you and I miss library.

    1. Hi Rory! Good guess about Pig the Tourist - I do really like that book, but my favourite is actually Stanley's Party! We will need to read it together so I can show you why I love it so much. I miss you too, and don't even need to ask if you've been reading at home, because you're always reading aren't you? :)

  2. Hi miss eldon. It’s Madelynn grade 1 here. I also think it’s Pig the Pug favourite book. I like your dog Norman too. See you soon.

    1. Hi Madelynn! I think you might have me confused with Mrs. Loveseth, I think Pig the Pug is her favourite book :) My favourite book is Stanley's Party - I promise we will read it together so you can see why I love it so much. I miss seeing you, and I hope you've been reading lots of good books at home! PS - Norman says hi
