Monday 27 April 2020

Introducing the Weasley Twins!

The Pout Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen (Kindergarten Read Aloud) 
George: Is that what I think it is?
Purrcy: It is! It's a fish!
George: Let's eat it!
Purrcy: It's too small. Let's eat Norman instead!

Hi boys and girls! I would like to introduce you to Norman's cat friends George and Purrcy.  They are one year old twin brother Siamese cats, and they are named after some of the Weasley brothers from the Harry Potter stories. They are so famous they even have their own Instagram account. If you'd ever like to see what they're up to on Instagram, ask your parents to look them up and show you some of their photos using the account @georgeandpurrcy - you will laugh at all of their silly adventures.

Norman and I cat sat for George and Purrcy not too long ago. Norman really wanted to play with both cats, but every time Norman came upstairs George would hide under the couch and pretend he wasn't at home. Finally, one day Norman said to me, "I don't think there are even any cats in this house!" But when I showed him this photo he was surprised to see that Purrcy had been right behind him the entire time.

Let's read The Pout Pout Fish together, and then, if you'd like to print a picture of the Pout Pout Fish to colour at home, you can!

The Pout Pout Fish Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click link for printable version of colouring sheet:

I hope you enjoyed the story of The Pout Pout Fish. Don't worry, the cats were only teasing about eating Norman - he gave them some of his dried chicken treats to eat instead and they were very happy :) 
When we are able to spend time in the library together again, I can show you some of the other Pout Pout Fish stories we have as well. Until then, find a really funny book to read today - if you'd like to tell me which one you read, you can in the comments! 
xo, Miss Elden 

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