Wednesday 29 April 2020

This is a serious post. A VERY serious post.

The Serious Goose by Jimmy Kimmel (Grade 2/3 Read Aloud)

Miss Elden: Smile for the camera Norman!
Norman: I can't. I'm being serious.
Miss Elden: Come on, you can smile for one photo.
Norman: I can't. I am a serious goose-dog. A VERY serious goose-dog.

Hello grade twos and threes! Today we are going to read a very serious, but also very funny book called The Serious Goose. It is about a goose who is so serious nothing can make it smile. NOTHING. 

I'm sure you've seen Canada Geese before. They can often be found in parks, especially ones that have ponds. If you have ever been to Science World, you will have seen the geese who love science on the grassy areas outside. They like to conduct experiments, like how fast they can chase people who are running on the seawall.  There are also lots of Canada Geese that live in Stanley Park. They like living there because there is so much green space for them to walk around on, and so many ponds for them to go swimming in. But watch out if you're having a picnic, they might try to steal your sandwich! 

Let's read the story The Serious Goose - make sure you don't laugh, because remember, this is a very serious story ;) After we have read the story together, if you'd like to work on a Canada word search that has the word goose in it, you can! 

The Serious Goose Video:

Word Search:
Click link for printable version of word search:

Did you manage to listen to the entire story without laughing? I bet you didn't! Norman was laughing so hard he fell off the couch.
Today, why don't you choose a really funny story to read so you can keep laughing all day long!
xo, Miss Elden

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