Thursday 23 April 2020

Baby Hummingbirds are Here!

Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

Hi boys and girls. My friend who is an amazing photographer took this photo last week in White Rock. Soon there will be two baby hummingbirds flying around us. Spring is here and the world is beautiful!

Did you know the hummingbird is the smallest of all birds and also lays the smallest egg? They only live in the Western Hemisphere of the world, which is why we often see them where we live. There is a legend that says if you are feeling sad and a hummingbird hovers near you, you will start to feel happy again. Hummingbirds like to drink nectar from brightly coloured flowers. Here is a photo from last spring, when Norman was just a puppy - I was taking his photo and guess what flew by and distracted him? You guessed it, a hummingbird!

I thought you might like to listen to a funny story about a big bear and a little hummingbird called Hector and Hummingbird.  After you have listened to the story, check out the printable activity pages in case you feel like working on one at home!

Hector and Hummingbird Video:
Activity Pages:
Click link for printable version of hummingbird colouring sheet:

Click link for printable version of bird word search:

If you are sitting outside in your garden at home, keep your eyes open for these beautiful birds. They're quick, so if you blink you might miss them!

I can't wait until we get back to school so I can show you all the different bird books we have in the library, but until then, choose a book to read today that has a bird (or any other kind of animal) in it to read at home!
xo, Miss Elden 

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