Thursday 30 April 2020


There is going to be a party...Norman's Party!

Hi boys and girls! Today Norman is very excited because he's planning a huge doggie party, just like the one Stanley has in his favourite book, Stanley's Party. He's been busy all morning writing out invitations to all of his doggie friends, and is trying to decide which tie he should wear. I just overheard a phone conversation between him and his best friend/cousin Stella that went like this:

Norman: Hey, Stella, I'm having a party and you are my special VIP guest!
Stella: YOU'RE HAVING A PARTY?!?!?! I'll bring the sausage rolls!

Sounds like this is going to be the doggie party of the year, doesn't it??  Norman and Stella are infamous for being party animals. Here's a photo of them back in February on Norman's 1st birthday:

I can tell you that birthday cake didn't last long!

To celebrate his party planning, Norman wanted us to read a story about one of his favourite dogs, Pig the Pug. Pig is a naughty little pug who is always getting into mischief. Today we are going to read Pig the Tourist and you can see what happens when Pig goes on vacation.

Stay tuned for all of Norman's party planning updates.  He's the top rated doggie party planner on Yelp in Vancouver, so he knows how to throw a great bash.  I hope you enjoy the story of Pig the Tourist, I'm sure it's going to make you giggle.

Pig the Tourist:

If you have a dog at home, read it a story today. If you don't have a dog at home, read a story to one of your stuffies instead!
xo, Miss Elden

Wednesday 29 April 2020

This is a serious post. A VERY serious post.

The Serious Goose by Jimmy Kimmel (Grade 2/3 Read Aloud)

Miss Elden: Smile for the camera Norman!
Norman: I can't. I'm being serious.
Miss Elden: Come on, you can smile for one photo.
Norman: I can't. I am a serious goose-dog. A VERY serious goose-dog.

Hello grade twos and threes! Today we are going to read a very serious, but also very funny book called The Serious Goose. It is about a goose who is so serious nothing can make it smile. NOTHING. 

I'm sure you've seen Canada Geese before. They can often be found in parks, especially ones that have ponds. If you have ever been to Science World, you will have seen the geese who love science on the grassy areas outside. They like to conduct experiments, like how fast they can chase people who are running on the seawall.  There are also lots of Canada Geese that live in Stanley Park. They like living there because there is so much green space for them to walk around on, and so many ponds for them to go swimming in. But watch out if you're having a picnic, they might try to steal your sandwich! 

Let's read the story The Serious Goose - make sure you don't laugh, because remember, this is a very serious story ;) After we have read the story together, if you'd like to work on a Canada word search that has the word goose in it, you can! 

The Serious Goose Video:

Word Search:
Click link for printable version of word search:

Did you manage to listen to the entire story without laughing? I bet you didn't! Norman was laughing so hard he fell off the couch.
Today, why don't you choose a really funny story to read so you can keep laughing all day long!
xo, Miss Elden

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Mercy Watson, Pig Extraordinaire!

Mercy Watson to the Rescue by Kate DiCamillo (Grade 1 Read Aloud)
Norman: Thanks for breakfast, what are you having? 

Hi boys and girls! Today we are going to read a story called Mercy Watson to the Rescue, about a funny pig who LOVES to eat toast with butter. Norman loves toast just like Mercy. As you can see from the photo, Norman was very excited to eat his toast for breakfast, and not very willing to share any with me. I had to have a bowl of Cheerios instead. 

Mercy Watson to the Rescue is a really good beginner chapter book. There is a whole series of these little chapter books about Mercy and we have all 6 of them in our library. When we get back to school, I can show you where they are if you'd like to read them! Let's read Mercy Watson to the Rescue together, and after the story, if you decide you'd like to work on a special colour by number sheet, you can! 

Mercy Watson to the Rescue Video: 

Colour By Number Sheet:
Click link for printable version of colour by number sheet:

I still miss you all very much, and can't wait to see you again. Have a snack of toast and butter, just like Mercy and Norman, and then read for FUN today!
xo, Miss Elden

Monday 27 April 2020

Introducing the Weasley Twins!

The Pout Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen (Kindergarten Read Aloud) 
George: Is that what I think it is?
Purrcy: It is! It's a fish!
George: Let's eat it!
Purrcy: It's too small. Let's eat Norman instead!

Hi boys and girls! I would like to introduce you to Norman's cat friends George and Purrcy.  They are one year old twin brother Siamese cats, and they are named after some of the Weasley brothers from the Harry Potter stories. They are so famous they even have their own Instagram account. If you'd ever like to see what they're up to on Instagram, ask your parents to look them up and show you some of their photos using the account @georgeandpurrcy - you will laugh at all of their silly adventures.

Norman and I cat sat for George and Purrcy not too long ago. Norman really wanted to play with both cats, but every time Norman came upstairs George would hide under the couch and pretend he wasn't at home. Finally, one day Norman said to me, "I don't think there are even any cats in this house!" But when I showed him this photo he was surprised to see that Purrcy had been right behind him the entire time.

Let's read The Pout Pout Fish together, and then, if you'd like to print a picture of the Pout Pout Fish to colour at home, you can!

The Pout Pout Fish Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Click link for printable version of colouring sheet:

I hope you enjoyed the story of The Pout Pout Fish. Don't worry, the cats were only teasing about eating Norman - he gave them some of his dried chicken treats to eat instead and they were very happy :) 
When we are able to spend time in the library together again, I can show you some of the other Pout Pout Fish stories we have as well. Until then, find a really funny book to read today - if you'd like to tell me which one you read, you can in the comments! 
xo, Miss Elden 

Friday 24 April 2020

Are you telling me I'm playing peek-a-boo with a 119 year old rabbit?

The Further Tale of Peter Rabbit ~ Emma Thompson (Grade 2/3 Read Aloud) 

Happy Friday boys and girls! As you can see, Norman was playing a game of peek-a-boo with Peter Rabbit today. He was both very interested, and very confused by the entire thing. When I told him that Beatrix Potter wrote the story of Peter Rabbit in 1901, which makes Peter Rabbit 119 years old, he couldn't believe it! "Why that rabbit doesn't look a day over 3!" he said to me in shock.

I know that I have read The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter to many of you before. We have two full baskets of Beatrix Potter books in the library that are always being taken home by students to read. Today I am going to read you The Further Tale of Peter Rabbit by Emma Thompson. It is the story of what happens to Peter Rabbit after he has all of his naughty adventures in Mr. McGregor's garden. Just in case you haven't read the original Tale of Peter Rabbit, or in case you'd like to hear it again, I am including a link to it for you to watch if you'd like.

The Tale of Peter Rabbit: (From Storytime Online)

Isn't Peter such a naughty little rabbit? Now, I will read you The Further Tale of Peter Rabbit in the video below. I wonder what other adventures Peter will get up to? Click on the video and let's find out...

The Further Tale of Peter Rabbit Video:

If you would like to work on some activities, I am going to include links to a Peter Rabbit colouring sheet, and a Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle word search if you'd like to print them and work on them at home.

Activity Sheets:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

Click here for printable version of word search:

Because it is the start of the weekend, Norman and I have decided to have a movie night this evening. Any guesses what we are watching? You got it - we are going to watch Peter Rabbit on Netflix! Norman is already in the kitchen making the popcorn. Maybe you and your families might watch this movie together this weekend too!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and keep up all of your amazing reading at home!
xo, Miss Elden

Thursday 23 April 2020

Baby Hummingbirds are Here!

Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

Hi boys and girls. My friend who is an amazing photographer took this photo last week in White Rock. Soon there will be two baby hummingbirds flying around us. Spring is here and the world is beautiful!

Did you know the hummingbird is the smallest of all birds and also lays the smallest egg? They only live in the Western Hemisphere of the world, which is why we often see them where we live. There is a legend that says if you are feeling sad and a hummingbird hovers near you, you will start to feel happy again. Hummingbirds like to drink nectar from brightly coloured flowers. Here is a photo from last spring, when Norman was just a puppy - I was taking his photo and guess what flew by and distracted him? You guessed it, a hummingbird!

I thought you might like to listen to a funny story about a big bear and a little hummingbird called Hector and Hummingbird.  After you have listened to the story, check out the printable activity pages in case you feel like working on one at home!

Hector and Hummingbird Video:
Activity Pages:
Click link for printable version of hummingbird colouring sheet:

Click link for printable version of bird word search:

If you are sitting outside in your garden at home, keep your eyes open for these beautiful birds. They're quick, so if you blink you might miss them!

I can't wait until we get back to school so I can show you all the different bird books we have in the library, but until then, choose a book to read today that has a bird (or any other kind of animal) in it to read at home!
xo, Miss Elden 

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Mystery of the Missing Underpants

The Frog Who Lost His Underpants by Juliette MacIver (Grade 1 Read Aloud) 
Miss Elden: Norman, why are you hiding behind that pillow?
Norman: Shh, don't tell anyone, but I've lost my underpants just like Orange-Spotted Jungle Frog.

Hi Grade One boys and girls! Miss Elden and Norman are back with another funny story for you. This one is called The Frog Who Lost His Underpants, about a froggy who loses his underpants in the jungle. Teddy is going to try to help him find them - click on the video to see what happens!

The Frog Who Lost His Underpants Video:

Wasn't that a funny story? Oh, in case you were wondering, Norman found his underpants, they were under the bed. If you feel like working on a frog colouring sheet, you can print it and work on it at home.

Colouring sheet:

Click link for printable version of colouring sheet:

Make sure to read a story before you go to bed tonight, Norman and I will do the same!
xo, Miss Elden

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Are my crayons allowed to quit?

Hi AJ boys and girls! Today, when Norman was about to do some colouring, he saw his crayons spread out on the table beside the book The Day the Crayons Quit. Now he's wondering if his crayons are trying to tell him something, just like Duncan's crayons do in the story.

Today we are going to talk about the funny author Drew Daywalt, who wrote the hilarious book The Day the Crayons Quit. I know that we have read the story together before, but I am going to include a link to a video of the story being read on YouTube so you can refresh your memories.

Video of The Day the Crayons Quit:

After you have have stopped giggling about about Peach Crayon (you know what I'm talking about) you might want to go to Drew Daywalt's official website, which I will also post a link to. His website is really neat, and my favourite part of it is the "Story Time with Drew Daywalt" section, where he  posts videos of himself reading some of his other funny books like Sleepy the Goodnight Bunny, and The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors. We have those books in our library at school so you might want to look for them when we get back so you can read them!

Link to Drew Daywalt Official Website:

Hope you enjoy listening to all of these funny stories!
xo, Miss Elden

Monday 20 April 2020

HELP...cupcake thief on the loose!

Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcakes by Kimberly and James Dean (Kindergarten Read Aloud)
What cupcakes?
Hi Kindergartens, I hope you had a good weekend! As you can see Norman and I are going to be reading you a Pete the Cat story today. It is called Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcakes. I had 4 cupcakes on my table, but one went missing, so now there are only 3 - do you think you can help me find the missing one? I asked Norman if he knew where it was, but he said he had no idea.  The same thing happens to Pete and Gus in the story, their cupcakes mysteriously go missing - I guess we will have to read the story to find out what happens to them! 

Watch the video to see where all of Pete's missing cupcakes went. If you like the story, click on the link below to go to the official Pete the Cat website where you will be able to find all kinds of fun activities like printable colouring sheets, videos and singalongs, all about our favourite cat Pete!

Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcakes Video: 

Link to official Pete the Cat Website:

Does anyone else feel like eating a cupcake now after listening to that story? Norman and I might have to bake some later and share them for dessert 😛
I still miss seeing you all every week in the library, and I can't wait until we can get back to school so we can spend time together again. Until then, keep reading every day, because reading is FUN!
xo, Miss Elden 

Friday 17 April 2020

Wake Up, Henry Rooster! ~ Margriet Ruurs (Grade 2/3 Read Aloud)

Miss Elden: Norman, we are going to read a story about a farm today! Get your farm animal toys out so they can read with us.

Norman: Done.

I think Norman and I might need to review our farm animals together, what do you think boys and girls? I only see one animal that lives on a farm in this photo. I'm pretty sure lions, alligators and a piece of pizza don't typically live on farms. But, he did get the rooster correct, which is perfect because today's story is about a rooster named Henry.

In the story Wake Up Henry Rooster, Henry is a rooster that likes to sleep in, which makes it difficult for him to do his job of waking up the farm early. Wait until you see what he does to solve his problem! 

After you have watched the video for the story, you can click on the links for some printable activities to work on at home.  

Wake Up Henry Rooster Video: 

Activity Sheets:
Click here for printable version of colouring sheet:

Remember, if you'd like to get email notifications when I add new posts to the blog, enter your email address in the "Subscribe by Email" box on the right-hand side of the page.  

Keep up all of your hard work at home - and remember to take some time to read for FUN today! 
xo, Miss Elden 

Thursday 16 April 2020

Finklehopper Frog ~ Irene Livingston (Grade 1 Read Aloud)

Hi boys and girls! I hope you are all having a great day so far :) Today we are going to read a story called "Finklehopper Frog" about a frog that loves to go jogging.  Norman loves to go jogging too - well, he actually loves to go sprinting as fast as he can so nobody can catch him. Before he goes for a jog Norman likes to put on a jogging suit just like Finklehopper does in the story.

Here is a photo of Norman from this morning, on a jogging break on the Sea Wall - the break was really more for me than him, but he let me stop for a minute anyway.

Let's read the story of Finklehopper Frog together and see what you think of Finklehopper's jogging suit. After you have watched the video, you can click on the link for a printable connect the dot and colouring activity sheet that you can do at home! 

Finklehopper Frog Video


Make sure to hop over to your bookshelf later and chose a book to read for at least 15 minutes today!
xo, Miss Elden 

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Yertle the Turtle ~ Dr. Seuss (Kindergarten Read Aloud)

Norman: What do you mean we aren't going to read How the Grinch Stole Christmas?

Hi boys and girls in Kindergarten! When I told Norman we were reading a Dr. Seuss story today, he assumed I meant we would be reading How The Grinch Stole Christmas (probably because we dressed up as The Grinch, and his dog Max, for Halloween last year.)  When I told him we were reading a story about a very naughty turtle named Yertle, he couldn't wait to hear it, because he loves stories about naughty animals. I hope he loves naughty animal stories because he thinks they are funny, not because he's looking for new ways to be naughty - he has enough of his own ideas on that subject already :)  Yertle the Turtle is one of my favourite Dr. Seuss books, and I hope you love it too!

After you watch the video of the story, you can click on the link to a fun printable Dr. Seuss matching sheet that includes Yertle, The Cat in the Hat, The Grinch, as well as some of our other favourite Dr. Seuss characters. You can match the characters with each letter, and then colour the pictures.

Yertle the Turtle Video: 

Click the link for printable version of activity sheet:

If you have your own Dr. Seuss books, choose one to read today! If you don't have any, find your favourite rhyming story and read that instead!

Miss Elden

Tuesday 14 April 2020

The Book That Makes Adults Say Silly Things

Give a thumbs up if you LOVE "The Book With No Pictures!!" 

This morning I told Norman I was going to have a tea and read a book. By the time I was finished making my tea, he was ready on the couch with one of his favourite books. Of course, he turned right to his favourite page...he just wanted me to say BOO BOO BUTT :) 

"The Book With No Pictures" by B.J. Novak is one of the most hilarious books in our library.  I know that I have read this story to many of you, many of times! Watch the author, B.J. Novak, reading his very funny book, then share the video with someone else and make them laugh too.
Norman is still laughing after reading this book for the hundredth time!

If you'd like to work on some activities from The Book With No Pictures, you can click on the link below. Yes, you can make a Boo Boo Butt mask ;)  (Activities from

You could also try writing your own silly version of a book with no pictures - get a pencil and a piece of paper and use your imagination to come up with something to make people giggle! 

If you'd like to get email reminders when I add new posts to the blog, enter your email address into the "Follow By Email" box on the right-hand side of the page - that way, you won't miss any of Norman's reading adventures!

Find a funny book that you have at home to read with someone today - you can tell me which funny book you read in the comments below!

xo, Miss Elden 

Thursday 9 April 2020

Happy Easter Everyone!

Does this Easter Bunny look a little funny to you?
This morning, Norman dressed up in his best Easter Bunny disguise hoping that he'd trick me into thinking he was the Easter Bunny. I might have believed him if he'd left me some Easter eggs, but his basket was full of doggie treats, and I have yet to hear about the Easter Bunny planning a freeze dried chicken hunt. He is very excited for us to share some Easter stories together, and helped me choose the best ones to read to all of you. His favourite is "Pete the Cat Easter Surprise" which is where I think he got the idea to dress up like the Easter Bunny.   

You will be able to find the videos to the Easter stories in the section below. After you watch the videos, there are some activities you can print out and work on at home (if you have a printer) - if you don't have a printer, or yours isn't working, find a blank sheet of paper and create your own Easter drawing!  

Kindergarten Stories and Activity:

Click the link for printable version of the activity sheet:

Grade 1 Story and Activity:

Click the link for printable version of the activity sheet:

Grade 2 & 3 Story and Activity: 

Click the link for printable version of the activity sheet:

I hope you enjoyed the stories! Make sure to check back next week, as I am going to be adding new stories for us to share together. If you'd like to receive email notifications when I make new posts, enter your email address in the "Follow by Email" box on the right-hand side of the page.

I know you might be busy doing Easter Egg hunts and eating chocolate treats this weekend, but make sure to do some reading as well! Let me know what books you read over Easter weekend in the comments below.
Have a hippity hoppity Happy Easter! 
xo, Miss Elden 

Wednesday 8 April 2020


Hello everyone!

Today, Norman decided to put on a cape and some underpants and run around the house like one of his favourite storybook characters, Captain Underpants. He even tried jumping off the back of the couch when I asked him if he wanted a treat, but his cape fell off, so he wasn't able to fly. He did eat his treat while still wearing his underpants though ;)

Dav Pilkey is an author who always makes us laugh - the Captain Underpants and Dog Man books are some of the most popular books in our library!

Norman and I thought you might like to work on some Captain Underpants and Dog Man activities while you are at home.  I have attached two Captain Underpants colouring sheets that you could print and colour (if you have a printer at home), a Captain Underpants crossword puzzle and two "How to Draw Captain Underpants and Dog Man" guides so you can try to draw your own characters at home! 

1) Captain Underpants colouring sheet (from

2) Captain Underpants colouring sheet (from
Click here for printable version of this sheet:

3) Captain Underpants Crossword (from

4) How to draw Captain Underpants and Dog Man (Step-by-step instructions, from

Click on this link for printable versions of these how-to-draw guides:

And if all of that isn't enough, Dav Pilkey has started a new website called "Dav Pilkey at Home" where he is adding weekly videos and activities for kids to keep entertained at home!  Every Friday he adds a new video of himself showing how to draw one of his famous characters, or reading from one of his books, so make sure to check out the link and see what fun things he is creating for you! 

I also know that many of you have your own Dav Pilkey books at home, so pull them out and read one for at least 15 minutes today. If you don't have any Dav Pilkey books at home, pull out one of your other favourite books to read - because reading makes you smart! 
xo, Miss Elden  

Tuesday 7 April 2020

WARNING! Wash your hands before reading this post...

Hello boys and girls!

Today, Norman and I want to remind you about how important it is to properly wash your hands. Washing your hands with soap is one of the best ways to keep healthy and germ free.

Norman came up with an easy three-step hand washing process he would like to share with you:

STEP 1: Use Soap
STEP 2: Scrub your paws/hands with soap while singing the alphabet song
STEP 3: Rinse and dry your paws/hands!

Check out this very special "Hand washing with Norman" video to see exactly how it's done!

All this talk about hand washing has me thinking about one of our favourite furry storybook characters who knows all about staying safe and germ-free in his tree, do you know who I'm thinking about?
Here's a hint - he's scared of green martians, germs, and killer bees...

it's our friend Scaredy Squirrel!

Click on the link below to see a very important video message from Scaredy Squirrel himself:
Mélanie Watt: Watt's REALLY IMPORTANT NOW!: A very important message from Scaredy Squirrel. #SafeHands

Now, if you're in the mood to read a Scaredy Squirrel story, visit and follow the link below for instructions to try reading a Scaredy Squirrel story from our online catalogue on your personal device from home!

Stay safe and healthy!
xo, Miss Elden

Monday 6 April 2020

"I solemnly swear, that I am up to no good" - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Hello AJ students, I still miss all of you!

I think you all know how much I love Harry Potter, don't you? They are some of my absolute FAVOURITE books to read. In fact, I love them so much, that I decided to take a trip to Hogwarts myself - here is a photo of me on Platform 9 3/4, just before I got on the Hogwarts Express.
I know that many of you love Harry Potter just as much as I do - maybe even more! I wanted to share a few cool Harry Potter links with you to look at while you are at home. Norman and I spent all morning getting sorted into our Hogwarts houses - can you guess which one he was sorted into? That's right, he's a Gryffindor! He's hoping to meet Hermione in the library :)

There is a newly updated Harry Potter website that you might want to check out called "Harry Potter at Home" - it has lots of fun activities like word searches, quizzes, and a link to the free audiobook of the first Harry Potter novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, on Audible.

Here is the link to the Harry Potter at Home website:

Here is the link to the free audiobook version of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone on Audible:

If you have an account with Surrey Public Library, you can also download the eBook and audio versions of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone onto your personal device with no wait time!

Here is the link to the Surrey Public Library website:

Don't forget what Hermione Granger says, "When in doubt, go to the library" - even if it has to be a virtual one right now ;)

Don’t forget to add your email into the “Follow by Email” box on the top right-hand side of the page to get email notifications when I make a a new post, or you can just keep checking back often to see what’s new.

Keep up all your great reading!
xo, Miss Elden