Wednesday 24 June 2020

NORMAN CROSSES CANADA... (and Miss Elden Drives)

Carson Crosses Canada by Linda Bailey 

NORMAN: Summer vacation is finally here! Time for our cross Canada road trip!
MISS ELDEN: Buckle up your seatbelt Norm, we've got a long trip ahead of us.
NORMAN: First let's stop at the gas station and get some snacks, I'm already hungry.

Hi boys and girls!  Well, this is it - our final library dog blog for this school year. Norman and I have been working so hard on it we have decided to take a vacation. We are going to drive across Canada and see all of the beautiful provinces in our great country.  Norman already knows all of the provinces of Canada because we have read today's story together a lot. It is called Carson Crosses Canada and it is written by the same author as all of those hilarious Stanley the dog stories that we love so much, Linda Bailey.  In this story, an old lady named Annie, and her dog Carson, drive across Canada in their car to go see Annie's sister. It is a great story and teachers you something special about each province in Canada. 
Norman has already got a few pit stops planned on our Google Maps route - he wants to see dinosaur fossils in Drumheller, Alberta, go up the CN Tower in Toronto, Ontario, and stop for a smoked meat sandwich in Montreal, Quebec...and he also wants to try some yummy local treats like maple syrup, poutine, and fish and chips along the way 😄

Carson Crosses Canada Video:

Colouring Sheet:
Norman and I hope you have enjoyed looking at our library blog - you can always come back and listen to the stories again in the summer time if you'd like! 

Have a great Canada Day and a fun, safe and reading-filled summer!
xo, Miss Elden 📚 & Norman 🐾

Tuesday 23 June 2020


Up The Creek by Nicholas Oldland 

Photo Credit: Roy Priest

MINGSI: Who's ready for our trip across Canada??
GEISHA: Can we take an Uber?
MISO: I'm going to ride the moose.
NORMAN: This is going to be a LONG trip.

Hi AJ boys and girls! There are many amazing characteristics about our country, but one of the things I love best is all of the incredible animals that live in Canada. Did you know that moose and beavers don't live in any other areas of the world except for Canada? In today's story, three best friends, Moose, Beaver and Bear have a disagreement about how to properly get from Point A to Point B in their canoe. Their argument finally leaves them "Up the Creek."

Listen to the story and find out how they rescued themselves.  After you have listened to the story, you can colour a cute Canadian animal colouring page!

Up the Creek Video:

Colouring Sheet:

I hope you enjoyed the story today - I love how the animal friends ended up solving their problem!
xo, Miss Elden 

Monday 22 June 2020

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a WHAT?!?!

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Moose by Chrissy Bozik 

Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

MISO: Well, here we are sitting around the campfire like true Canadians...what do we do now?
MINGSI: I think we ask the Moose and the Beaver to toast us some marshmallows. 
GEISHA: Somebody needs to tell that Moose he needs a bath - P.U.! 
NORMAN: The toasted marshmallows are yummy, but Miss Elden says she and I aren't really "the camping sort." I think she's right - I don't see a comfy bed or a bathroom anywhere, I'm going home!! 

Hi boys and girls!  Welcome to the last week of our library blog for this year - it's Going Across Canada Week! We are going to celebrate our great country by reading some fabulous Canadian stories this week - all in preparation for our next big holiday on July 1st, Canada Day. We Celebrate Canada Day on July 1st each year because on July 1st in 1867, Canada became its own country. Norman and I have already decided to wear red and white, eat poutine, and listen to Justin Bieber at our Canada Day party this year - what are you going to do?

To kick off Canada Week, we are going to read a really funny Old Lady story called There Was and Old Lady who Swallowed a Moose. There are lots of silly Old Lady stories in our library that I know many of you have read - she swallows things like books, snow, leaves, bells and more. In this story, the old lady swallows a MOOSE. Can you imagine swallowing a moose that could weigh 1200 pounds?? Wait until you see what happens at the end of the story - it is something that lots of Canadians like to do in the summer.  

After you have listened to the story, you can colour a map of Canada and see where all of the provinces and territories are, and work on a Canada word search!

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Moose:

Activity Sheets:

1) Map of Canada:

2) Word Search:

Make sure to read for at least 15 minutes today, because READING IS FUN!
xo, Miss Elden 

Thursday 18 June 2020

Help Us, Mr. Mutt!

Help Me, Mr. Mutt: Expert Answers For Dogs With People Problems by Janet Stevens & Susan Stevens Crummel 

NORMAN: Hey Stella, remind me why we are writing to Mr. Mutt again?
STELLA: Because Miss Elden tried to give us smooth peanut butter for a snack today, when she knows we only eat crunchy.
NORMAN: I thought I liked smooth peanut butter?
STELLA: Well The Queen (ME!) doesn't and things need to change! Hopefully Mr. Mutt will have some good advice for us.

Hi boys and girls! As you can see Norman and Stella are writing to Mr. Mutt to get some advice on how to deal with me and my mix-up this morning with their peanut butter.  Who knew dogs would be so picky about such a yummy treat? In today's story, other dogs write to Mr. Mutt to get help with their people problems, and then Mr. Mutt answers their letters with some VERY funny advice. There's one big problem that Mr. Mutt has of his own though - the cranky cat who lives in his basement starts to write letters to him too, letting him know that she's the boss.  I think you will laugh at this funny story.

After you have listened to the story, you can work on a cute cat and dog colouring sheet, or a cat and dog crossword puzzle - or you can work on both if you'd like! 

Help Me, Mr. Mutt!:

Activity Sheets:

1) Cat and Dog colouring sheet: 

2) Cat and Dog Crossword: 

I hope you enjoyed this story of six silly dogs writing to Mr. Mutt about their people problems. Don't worry about Stella and Norman, I went to the grocery store and got them crunchy peanut butter so they are happy as can be now!
xo. Miss Elden 

Welcome to the SHAREMORE Hotel

There's a Dinosaur on the 13th Floor by Wade Bradford 

Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

NORMAN: Hey Miso, I just got the keys for our room at the Sharemore Hotel, let's go check it out!
MISO: Ummm, Norman, these dinosaurs just told me that they're staying in the hotel too...
NORMAN: Perfect! Tell them to meet us at the pool for happy hour!

Hello boys and girls! Norman and his friend Miso are dreaming if they think they are going to get any sleep at the SHAREMORE HOTEL. They will have to SHARE a lot more than just a bed - at this hotel, you have to SHARE a room with another animal.  Some of the guests are right out of the jungle! I know that Norman usually sleeps as quiet as a mouse, so he might not be able to sleep when he hears some of the other guests snoring.  Maybe he and Miso should have checked Trip Advisor for hotel reviews before they made their booking, what do you think?

After you have listened to the story, you can work on a fun T-Rex pattern colouring sheet!

There's a Dinosaur on the 13th Floor Video:

Dinosaur Colouring Sheet:
Do you think you'd want to stay in a hotel with a dinosaur? Sometimes I think I run my own dog hotel because I spend all day with Norman serving him breakfast, lunch and dinner, cleaning up after him when he tears one of his stuffies apart, and fluffing up his pillows before bedtime. 
xo, Miss Elden 

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Six Dinner Norm

Six Dinner Sid by Inga Moore

MISS ELDEN: Norman, why do you have six bowls in front of you?
NORMAN: I just read the story of Six Dinner Sid and now I want six dinners too.
MISS ELDEN: I already gave you one dinner Norman. 
NORMAN: Norman got one dinner, now you need to feed the five other dogs that look just like me! 

Hi boys and girls! Isn't Norman being silly asking for 6 dinners? He got the idea from the story we are going to read today called Six Dinner Sid. It is about a very funny and clever cat named Sid, who tricks 6 different families on his street into feeding him 6 different dinners every night! A friend of mine found a cat on her porch one night that reminded us of Sid, because it was so hungry she fed it 6 times a day!  She ended up adopting him and now he only gets one dinner a day, but he doesn't mind because he has a special home to live in with an owner who loves him.  I am including a photo of the cat so you can see him eating his 6 different dinners: 

Doesn't he look just like Sid from the story? If you like the story Six Dinner Sid, you should click on the link to see the second Sid story, called Six Dinner Sid a Highland Adventure. Wait until you see what happens when Sid meets a Scottish Highlander cat!  After you have listened to the stories, you can work on a cat breed word search. Keep your eyes open for the Highlander cat in the word search, just like the one in the Sid story!

Six Dinner Sid Video:

Six Dinner Sid: A Highland Adventure Video:

Cat Breeds Word Search: 

I hope you enjoyed the Sid stories today!
xo, Miss Elden 

Tuesday 16 June 2020


Pigs by Robert Munsch 

Photo Credit: Roy Priest 

NORMAN: Hey Miso, I've got a funny joke for you. Why should you never share a bed with a pig?
MISO: Why?
NORMAN: Because they HOG all the covers HA HA HA!
MISO: Oh Normie, your jokes are so funny!
OINK! That is pig talk for "hi boys and girls." Today we are going back to the farm with Miso and Norman to read a story about pigs. Lots of people think that pigs are dirty animals, but they are actually very clean. They roll in the mud because it helps them keep cool, not because they like to get dirty. Norman sometimes likes to roll in the mud too - but he's just doing it because he thinks it's fun. Too bad for him the fun ends when Miss Elden has to give him a bath!

Our story today is written by the famous Canadian author, Robert Munsch. He writes very funny and silly stories that kids of all ages can enjoy. In the story "Pigs" a little girl named Megan opens up the gate to the pig pen and the pigs get into all kinds of mischief. Wait until you see what happens on the school bus at the end of the story, it is so funny! 

After you have listened to the story, you can work on a pig colour-by-number sheet. For this colour by number sheet, you will need to do some addition to figure out which number corresponds with which colour!

Pigs Video:

Colour-by-number sheet:
Click here for printable version of colour-by-number sheet:

If you feel like reading some more Robert Munsch stories, you can find them in our online catalogue and read them on your personal devices at home. Just click the link on the top right hand corner of the blog "How to access digital ebooks from our library" for step-by-step instructions on how to access them! 
xo, Miss Elden